"Multi-infarct Dementia [also commonly referred to as 'Vascular Dementia'] is caused by a series of small strokes. Multi-infarct Dementia (MID) is the second most common cause of dementia after Alzheimer's disease in people over age 65. MID usually affects people between the ages of 55 and 75. More men than women have MID.
A stroke is an interruption in or blockage of the blood supply to any part of the brain. A stroke is also called an infarct. Multi-infarct means that more than one area in the brain has been injured due to a lack of blood. The brain cannot get oxygen if blood flow is stopped for longer than a few seconds. Brain cells can die, causing permanent damage.
There may be no stroke symptoms when these strokes affect a small area. These are called silent strokes. Over time, as more areas of the brain are damaged, the symptoms of MID appear. Not all strokes are silent. Larger strokes that affect strength, sensation, or other brain and nervous system (neurologic) functions can also lead to MID. Risk factors for MID include diabetes, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), high blood pressure (hypertension), smoking, and stroke."
Lastly, White Matter Disease (WMD) is a Dementia subtype within the context of cardiovascular conditions that may produce similar changes to one's cognition as Vascular Dementia. An MRI scan is typically employed to help identify and distinguish the disorder.
Vascular Dementia Source: click here.
White Matter Disease Resource: click here.
Resource: U.S. government website on vascular/Dementia risks.
Click below on the various terms to learn more about both common and more rare conditions, syndromes and diseases, that can cause, or include symptoms leading to Dementia: