The Cognitive Action Plan®
Educational learning experiences with factual, easy-to-understand concepts, and accessible information.

Live (In-Person or Virtual) Presentation: Led by the Dementia Society of America's founder and nationally recognized spokesperson, Kevin Jameson, this approximately 1-hour presentation will take you through the top 10 lifestyle modifications that have been thought to be among the most likely building blocks of better brain health.
By citing international science-based studies, Kevin details the positive steps you can easily take to increase the likelihood of mitigating the effects of aging, disease, and decades-old lifestyle choices. We are all at risk for neurocognitive disorders because we have a brain, making this talk incredibly life-changing.
Mr. Jameson brings nearly 40 years of professional on-stage experience, emotion, and skill to this lively, uplifting talk. You walk out feeling empowered to make a difference in your own life and the lives of those around you.
Please contact us to request The Cognitive Action Plan® as a live talk (in-person or virtual) at your next event.