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Writer's pictureDementia Society of America

Make the Time, Don’t Find the Time

Updated: May 4, 2022

If you've been a regular reader of the Dementia Society of America blog, you know that better heart health can lead to better brain health. Exercise is just one way to increase heart health, so, how do we make exercise a priority in our daily habits and among our countless distractions?

Make the Time, Don’t Find the Time

Most people are just kind of trucking through their day, trying to get through their tasks and to-do lists. That might involve getting their kids from school, work-related tasks, and hopefully having some time to spend time with friends or make a quick appearance at the gym.

One very telling trend is the number of people that buy a gym membership, yet fail to use it. While several different studies are posting similar statistics, it is estimated that 73% of people with a gym membership either fail to use it at all or use it so infrequently that it imparts no long-term health benefits.

The usual trend is that there are a lot of people who sign up for a year-long gym membership as part of a New Year’s resolution. They get this membership with the best of intentions, but by the middle of January or early February, the vast majority of them have stopped going to the gym. One of the most common excuses use is that their lifestyle doesn’t allow them the time to work out regularly.

I have found that the key to developing a successful long-term exercise routine is to develop a mindset of making the time, instead of finding the time.

You should approach it with the same mentality you would if you were scheduling an office meeting every Monday, or making sure that you’re picking up your kids from school at the same time every day.

Some talk about how juggling their career and family, along with other responsibilities, can be a huge obstacle. While this does present challenges and imposes demands on our time, there are those with even more on their plate that still make it a point to take the time to exercise.

The bottom line is that you need to take the time to exercise, because if you try to find it; the day will get by you and you’ll end up sitting on your couch worrying about your waistline while your brain and everything else suffers as a result of not exercising the way you should.

Contributor: Dr. Michael Trayford is a Board-Certified Chiropractic Neurologist and Founder of APEX Brain Centers in Asheville, NC. For more information, please visit

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