Better Brain Research™ Findings
Researchers have found that people born in the 1970s have LARGER BRAINS than those born in the 1930s, which may reduce the risk of age-related Dementias.
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Brain studies show that HANDWRITING IS BETTER for memory and learning than typing because motor and visual information processing sync up with areas crucial to memory formation.
Researchers have discovered that exposure to brain-friendly GREEN LIGHT can reduce migraine pain and shorten the duration of these debilitating headaches.
The term PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT is backed by science. A study in mice revealed that repeating an activity over and over solidifies neural pathways in the brain.
In men at high risk for Alzheimer’s disease, those with HIGHER PANCREATIC FAT had lower cognition and brain volumes, suggesting that there’s a sex-specific link between abdominal fat and brain health.