Ways to Donate
Click on any of the links below to learn more, or donate...
Donate by Check- get our mailing address & check the donation form.
Donate Online - use your credit or debit card to contribute.
Venmo @DementiaSociety
Text "GiveNow" to 707070.
Use Bitcoin to donate crypto: BTC, ETH, LTC & more.
Network For Good- donate through this platform.
CharityProud- donate through this platform.
Use JustGiving.org to donate or fundraise.
Combined Federal Campaign #68147.
Use your Donor Advised Fund at Schwab, Fidelity, or BNY Mellon.
Make a Lasting Legacy through your Will, Estate Planning, Insurance.
Classy.org- create an Event, Group, or Peer-to-Peer fundraiser.
Create party invites through eVite and add a donation option.
Give with Bing- use Bing as a search engine & Microsoft donates.
Amazon Smile- donation made with most Amazon purchases.
Donate cars- trucks, boats, RVs, and more.
eBay- you can sell your items to benefit the Dementia Society.
Shop online with iGive at 1,500+ retailers like Macy's & more.
Use the PayPal Giving Fund platform to donate.
Use GoodWorld's #donate on Twitter to donate.
Donate through the EverLoved.com platform.
Dementia Society, Inc., doing business as Dementia Society of America, is a nonprofit organization incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and registered with the IRS as a nonprofit 501(c)(3). Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. Please consult your tax advisor. Please view our IRS Determination Letter here.